Day-74 Working on Landing page of TradeByte. ||#100DaysOfCode
August 27, 2020
Hey Fam, I hope y’all are doing good. If you want to connect with me then search for the username @fabcodingzest on any platform like Twitter, GitHub and you’ll find me.
So I worked a bit on the Landing page for TradeByte, to be honest, I don’t have any design the mentor just gave a reference and what needs to be on it so I am not focused on design right now. I will use tailwind components whenever possible although they need customization either ways rest I will do myself. TradeByte project needs to be deployed before the 31st of August but we are aiming to deploy it earlier.
I am really proud of myself for working on this project as I learned a lot and actually implemented what I learned for real while resolving bugs. After TradeByte and 10th of Muharram basically August, I will get serious with some potential projects and learning Node.js deeply (yes, it was the aim of this month but TradeByte kept me busy). It might get crazy but I am ready for it, being too lazy is boring after some time so it’s time to be productive!
If you are reading my stupid blogs then just know, I appreciate you a lot💙.