Fab Blogs

Day-73 Making a couple of changes in the Referral system of TradeByte. ||#100DaysOfCode

August 26, 2020

Hey Fam, I hope y’all are doing good. If you want to connect with me then search for the username @fabcodingzest on any platform like Twitter, GitHub and you’ll find me.

So I made a few changes in the Referral system like setting cookie to expire time to just 60 minutes instead of 7 days because I had to make sure it won’t be misused. Other than that I passed the host dynamically from done route instead of setting it manually in HTML so it won’t be a problem while deploying the app.

I got assigned another issue which is to design and code the landing page with certain requirements, I will be on it tomorrow as I didn’t get time today. And that’s all for the day. The day was nice and cool!

If you are reading my stupid blogs then just know, I appreciate you a lot💙.
